Here it is, ladies and gentlemen: my first organization project on this little blog. Please note, I'm using the term "project" pretty loosely. This was a "project" that took less than 30 minutes to do and not a whole lot of planning (other than the fact I was keeping my eye out for some containers for a couple of weeks).
Meet the top drawer of the dresser in my room. Currently, my dresser has four drawers (though the bottom one is like a double deep drawer and should really count for two) and I use the top one as a "vanity" drawer. What does this mean? It means two things: one, because I'm a college student and live with roommates I don't really have a space in the bathroom for all of my "getting ready" things and, two, I don't really have any sort of vanity to store these things in my room. Thus, the top drawer of my dresser had a job: to be the place where I jammed stored the things I used to get ready and just do life with. As you can see by the picture, this drawer was a mess.
I could not find anything. Bobby pins were scattered around the drawer, hairbrushes could go hiding for days, headbands were everywhere and nothing made much sense. Which led to loosing time in the mornings searching for things, which ultimately led to less time for coffee in the morning and we all know what that means (;
So, I decided to organize my little drawer and make my mornings a little less chaotic because, let's be real, this girl needs all the time for drinking coffee that she can get.
What I used:
- Two mini-containers that are supposed to be used for office supplies
- Two pink containers from the dollar section of Target
- One white container that was already being used in the drawer, but not very well
- One Yankee Candle from a candle that is long gone
The Process:
For my little project, the process was pretty simple. I took all of the items out of the drawer, wiped the drawer down, and then separeted the things into different piles:
- Things used daily
- Make-up -ish things (Please note, I don't wear a lot of make up [read:foundation and mascara on a crazy day] so, I don't have a lot of things in this category.)
- Hair things (bobby pins, ties, head bands, etc)
- Things used not so daily (sunscreen, wisp toothbrushes, moisture masks, etc.)
Then, I put them in containers that made sense for me. I corralled the mess of bobby pins and hair ties into the little office containers. I put make-up related things in one of the pink containers and not so used thing in the other pink container. Then, I just put the more daily used things where they fit and made sense.
Ahh. So much better then the mess of things that I started with. I can now see where everything is, which means less chaos in the mornings and more time to breathe and it cost me $2.00, which means more money for this college student. Not too shabby if you ask me (: